You’re probably checking out this page after reading Flourish! A Breastfeeding Guide. This free ebook is written especially for grandmas. It asks the question whether breast is really best, and…
Monthly Archives
May 2016
Boost LactationGrandchildrenMum & baby's health
Lactation quiz for grandparents
by Poh-Ling May 18, 2016So you’ve just become a grandma (or grandpa). Are you gazing at the little one, a little apprehensive about how to help? One of first challenges of motherhood is breastfeeding…
ConfinementCross Cultural InterestsGrandchildrenMum & baby's health
Guinness bath – a hilarious confinement practice
by Poh-Ling May 8, 2016This hilarious confinement practice illustrates how connected our world has become. What is confinement you ask? Practiced by many Asian cultures, the 40 day confinement period for postpartum or new…